Ways To Participate
Several times per year we get together to raise money for the Seafarers Ministry. Pray about how you might want to get involved. Of course, you can either participate personally or through sponsorship. Either way, we love having fun as we raise money for the work that God is doing.
Church Involvement
There are many ways for Churches, Youth Groups, and Bible studies to partner with the Canaveral Port Ministry.
Walk For Bibles
Walk For Bibles is a mission project where individuals and groups are invited to come to walk 1, 2, or 4 miles to raise funds. These funds are used to purchase Bibles to give to the international seafarers. As you walk there will be numbered prayer stops that correspond with a sheet of prayer requests. Individuals who do not choose to walk may stay at the church to pray for the seafarers as well.
Coming 2025! Annual Fundraising Gala
The Annual Gala is our largest fund-raising event of the year. It’s a beautiful evening of dining while hearing how seafarers lives are being refreshed and renewed by God’s love through many acts of kindness.
Consider being a Table Sponsor
Lead Worship
The seafarers greatly enjoy being led in worship by worship teams or individuals - and so do we!
Service Projects
Sometimes there are large projects that need to be completed in and around the ministry. Things like washing the ministry vans, gardening, small renovations, etc.
If you feel God leading you to pursue missions, evangelism, or discipleship, we offer internships that can cater to your individual needs.
Do you like to coach and teach? We are always looking for qualified individuals to help host training sessions for our volunteers and partners.